Information about Holbox, Mexico
First Photo of Holbox - Mexico Located to the northwest of Cancun, Mexico. Holbox is separated from the mainland coast of Mexico by a shallow lagoon which gives sanctuary to thousands of flamingos, pelicans and other exotic birds and creatures. It is approximately 41,84 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide, Holbox Island is part of the Municipality of Lazaro Cardenas and also part of the Yum-Balam Biosphere Reserve.
Second Photo of Holbox - Mexico Holbox is a very charming, laid back island. The water is clear but it is not the turqoise color you will see on the Caribbean side. Holbox is actually in the Gulf of Mexico and the water is a light color green. Not a puky looking color, actually very pretty. In terms of waves, it depends on the time of year. On the island of Holbox, there are no cars allowed. It's only golf carts and motorcycles. In fact the beach is one of the main "streets" on the island. Holbox is known for the whale sharks that feed right off shore. You can swim with them since they are vegetarians. However, they are only there from May-July.
Third Photo of Holbox - Mexico Holbox, meaning black hole in Maya, was founded in 1873 by the descendents of the pirates who took refuge there. Fishing has been the most important activity of the island for centuries, probably since the Mayas. "The freshwater lagoon has a deep rocky hole that surrounds the island, making the water appear black," officials with the European Space Agency, which is a partner in the Kompsat-2 mission, explained in a statement. "It is thought that Holbox, which in Mayan translates as 'black hole,' was named after the dark lagoon water."
Fourth Photo of Holbox - Mexico Another alternative is Isla Pajaros (Bird Island), a small island covered in mangrove swamps and cacti, located on the Yalahau lagoon, where there is a large diversity of birds, some of them are in danger of extinction, that's why there are two observation points and walkways to minimize the direct contact with the birds. Flamingos, cormorants, herons, frigate birds, pelicans, wild ducks and seagulls are just some of the species you can observe in a still natural environment.
Fifth Photo of Holbox - Mexico Most of the people of Holbox Island make their living fishing. It is common to see fishermen walking through Holbox Village with their catch of the day or carrying their nets. The streets of Holbox Island are made of white sand, common of Caribbean islands, and there are very few cars.
Sixth Photo of Holbox - Mexico This is one of the safest beaches for learning how to kiteboard. There are ideal conditions for beginners; shallow waters, no big obstacles on the wide and long beach, many days of wind during the winter months and a nearby school with professional instructors. Advanced riders can find also very good conditions when the north or south winds reach 25 knots or more.
Seventh Photo of Holbox - Mexico Holbox is considered a virgin tourist destination because very few outsiders visit the island. In spite of Holbox' natural beauty, inaccessibility has left it unspoiled by mass tourism. Finding travel specials to Holbox is relatively easy. You need to take the ferry from Chiquila to the island. It's about a 3 hour drive to Chiquila from Cancun. If you rent a car, you will need to pay for parking at Chiquila. Or take the bus to Chiquila from the Cancun Bus Station and then take a ferry or boat to Holbox 3 1/2 hours Second class bus service 60 pesos per person.
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