MexicGo beach in Guerrero, Mexico by Location: Cayaquitos
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Cayaquitos, Mexico
Cayaquitos beach - Mexico
Beach located near the community of Papanoa. It has a calm surf most of the time, but sometimes the waves have changes due to winds and strong currents.Precaution to get to swim is recommended. The beach access is in perfect condition because it is paved and next to the federal road. Its waters are blue-green and the sand is fine-grained. This beach is a great tradition that for many years was forced instead to come to the sea, several generations of tecpanecos the entire municipality. Share with the eye Playa de Agua, nothing is more separated by an area of cliffs A Stone islet called HOSE. Millennium witness from the sea. Also find to eat the seafood. Although it is customary to bring food to spend the day.
Get There
Cayaquitos is located 50 Km. From the town of Tecpan de Galeana, heading north toward Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and 85 km of it. The entrance is opposite the police station next to a popular hotel, on the right.

By Road:

From Mexico City to Tecpan de Galeana there are 465 km and 105 km from Acapulco, simply stroll to Coyuca de Benitez, pass San Jeronimo, Atoya Alvarez and a bit later Tecpan de Galeana. Tecpan De Ixtapa Zihuatanejo there are 135 km. You can take a shortcut to Tecpan or go to Acapulco bus has three bus stations, the arriving units from major cities central, northern and southern regions; or to Ixtapa Zihuatanejo which has a bus station just 2 kilometers from downtown. La Estrella de Oro and Estrella Blanca are some of the lines more confidence and security that made regular runs routes in the state of Guerrero.

By air:

From Acapulco: Take a flight to Acapulco that has a modern international airport, equipped with all the necessary to serve the thousands of travelers who come to this land, from the major cities and overseas infrastructure. From there take a truck to Tecpan de Galeana. In Ixtapa: Take a flight to Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo International Airport is just 15 minutes away from Zihuatanejo by car. You may find direct flights from some cities in Canada and the US especially during the tourist season between December and April. From there take a truck to Tecpan de Galeana.



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