Consag father discovered paradise in 1746 and was later a strategic point on the peninsula, to supply provisions for the construction and development of neighboring missions and the mission of St. Mary of the Angels located 20km west of the Bay San Luis Gonzaga and Calamajué mission that lies south of the bay.
It's bay is inhabited by seagulls, pelicans and much more diversity of wildlife.
In its waters you can perform various activities such as:
Sport fishing
Diving: you can dive or snorkel in the bay and on the outside of the island, for observation of flora and fauna, as well as practicing spear fishing (with corresponding fishing permit).
Kayak the waters of the bay and surrounding area are perfect for kayaking, as it is protected from the winds, enabling a lightweight rowing.
Windsurfing and sailing: Used advantage winds make the bay an ideal place to practice these water sports.
Boat rides on the Enchanted Islands to observe a variety of birds and wildlife.
Hiking and mountain bike ride to visit the ruins of Mines and drag them Oasis of Rinconada and Palmitas.
Observation of marine life such as whales, whale sharks, sea lions, seals, dolphins, whales and / or dolphins and other species.
Watching terrestrial flora and fauna
Before reaching the bay is Puertecitos, a small inlet with thermal springs and beaches ideal for diving.