MexicGo Archaeological site in Puebla, Mexico by Location: Los Cerritos San Cristobal Tepatlaxco
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Los Cerritos San Cristobal Tepatlaxco, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Los Cerritos San Cristobal Tepatlaxco - Mexico
The site is called the nearest town and derives from the Nahuatl words tecpan- palace, tlachtli- ballgame and co-location, Tecpantlaxco translates as "in the palace ball game." However, there is another interpretation that considers its Tepatlaixco name derives from the word meaning "rocky plain where abound" or "stone fences. Commonly known as "Los Cerritos de San Cristobal Tepatlaxco". Importance The archaeological site was inhabited between 300 a. C. and 600 d. C. and is considered a fortified place of Olmec influence, although in reality it is only known to the people of Tepatlaxco should keep both commercial and kinship with the people of Tlalancaleca, San Martin Texmelucan, Moyotzingo and countless relationships Valley settlements poblano- Contemporary Tlaxcala. These relationships are inferred following elements and materials found at the site and are similar in the above areas. The site has nine pyramidal bases with heights of 2.5 to about 9 meters, however; These bases are located on the edge of the cliffs, so they appear higher.
Must Know
Hours: Wednesday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hours.

Puebla INAH Center 01 (222) 2 35 14 78 and 2 35 40 56.
Get There
The archaeological site Los Cerritos comes out on Federal Highway (No. 190) Mexico Puebla, before arriving in San Martin Texmelucan, the town of San Cristobal Tepatlaxco is. Within this, you need to head east towards avenue Labour, on which you need to follow to cross a bridge and continue north. Then you may see a fork in the road, having to take the dirt road located on the west bank. Following this way, you get to a cruise where we need to continue down the middle, half a mile after the road splits again, so you must take the path located to the left, which is signposted with a couple of signs placed by the INAH. From this point of access to the site it is on foot. Continuing on this path, about 200 meters to the northwest, the arqueológica.



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