MexicGo Archaeological site in Morelos, Mexico by Location: Tepozteco
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Tepozteco, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Tepozteco - Mexico
In reference to the name of Tepoztlan, there is no consensus regarding the meaning of the word.Based on the toponímico mark Tepoztlan, in which a copper ax on top of a hill, ax which by the way, also carries the divine in the codex Magliabechi appears. Based on this information, Tepoztlan defined as "Place of copper", "Place of axes" or "Place of broken stones." However tepuztli word denotes "back", while its significant copper ax is / Tlaximaltepuztli / or "copper back." It is very likely that mark Tepoztlan toponímico have phonetic, where meaning is something that sounds like copper ax, but is representing in this case the back. Thus, the word Tepoztlan is composed of the union of two concepts / tepuztli / or "back" and / Tlalli / or "earth" from which comes the term "tlan" would mean "land". Thus, Tepoztlan means "land of the backs" or "instead of the back." Likely it refers to the large formations of the hills of Tepoztlan to which the ancient inhabitants saw as large rock behind. Tepoztécatl can be interpreted as a "local resident's backs" locativo but also connotes the deity of the place "God rather than their backs." According to the writings of Sahagun and the codex Magliabechi, this deity was part of pulque gods, among which are Acolhuan, Pantécatl, Toltecatl, Tezcatzoncatl and others, all invocations of God Ome Tochtli "Two Rabbit" god pulque (octli) and fertility, associated with the moon and the germination of nature, also, according to legend, Tepoztécatl is the son of the wind, and therefore is associated with the creative gods like Quetzalcoatl Ehecatl.
Must Know
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:30 pm

Contact: Centro INAH Morelos 01 (777) 3 14 40 48 March 14, 50 and 52.

Recommendations: The sanctuary is located on a rock pit, which is, according to INEGI mapping to 2,310 meters while the square of Tepoztlan is 1,715 meters this is a height difference of 595 meters to climb along a path of 2 km in length, it is a rustic village which is not easy if you're not used to walking in this type of terrain. Depending on the condition and type of life you lead, people can take from 20 minutes up to three hours to make the journey, so it is very important to follow some basic safety rules. If you have heart or respiratory illnesses it is better not to attempt the ascent. Do not leave the road, because it is very easy to get lost among the rock formations. Besides very dangerous, as there are many cliffs, if desired walk among the rock formations, it is best to hire a local guide. Always wear comfortable shoes, road conditions make it dangerous to walk in heels, sandals or sneakers. Bring enough water for travel, it is very easy to get dehydrated, especially if one is not accustomed to the climate of Morelos. Do not carry babies to travel or take them with a suitable carrier for hiking. Do not bring pets to the archaeological site. This is an area for cultural enjoyment of visitors, pets plus they can damage the traces can cause accidents, and given the site conditions, they can easily desbarrancarse or attack the local fauna.
Get There
To reach Tepoztlan, if you come from the city of Mexico, the Autopista del Sol is taken to the exit to Oaxtepec. It takes this road to the first house and goes to the village of Tepoztlan, reaching an intersection in front of a gas station, to reach the village, turn left. The main street in this part is called May 5, up to the 1910 Revolution street where you should surround the center of the town, turning left is taken. This street is taken to the corner Arq. Pablo Gonzalez where again turn left at Ignacio Zaragoza until reaching the street Del Tepozteco continuation of May 5 and continue until the end, where you reach the spot of Axitla, where the ascent begins to the archaeological site. If you come from Cuautla, take the highway to Mexico, Coacalco booth is passed and just before arriving at the house of Tepoztlan is the exit to the village that leads to the intersection in front of the gas station. If you depart from Cuernavaca, you can take the free road, either from the gazebo "Dove" or the Vicente Guerrero Avenue to the open road, turning right, it follows to the junction where the station is, and in this case is still right. If you want to go by bus, arriving to the population Pullman de Morelos bus departing from Mexico and Cuernavaca, Christopher Columbus and buses, departing from Mexico and Cuautla. You can also take the bus from the market Ometochtli Cuernavaca, Adolfo Lopez Mateos. It is important to note that although the area that held the ancient manor of Tepoztlan begins on the slopes at the end of the valley, the sanctuary is in the chasm of a rock, which is, according to INEGI mapping 2310m. asl, while the square of Tepoztlan is 1,715 meters above sea level, this is a height difference of 595 m., which should climb along a path of 2 km., in length, it is a rustic village which is not easy if you're not used to walking in this type of terrain. Depending on the condition and type of life you lead, people can take from 20 minutes up to three hours to make the journey, so it is very important to follow some basic safety rules. If you have heart or respiratory illnesses it is better not to attempt the ascent. Do not leave the road, because it is very easy to get lost among the rock formations and very dangerous as there are many cliffs, if you want to walk among the rock formations, it is best to hire a local guide. Always wear comfortable shoes, road conditions make it dangerous to walk in heels, sandals or sneakers. Bring enough water for travel, it is very easy to get dehydrated, especially if one is not accustomed to the climate of Morelos. Do not carry babies to travel or take them with a suitable carrier for hiking. Do not bring pets to the archaeological site. This is an area for cultural enjoyment of visitors, pets plus they can damage the traces can cause accidents, and given the site conditions, they can easily desbarrancarse or attack the local fauna. Conceptual Content: By 1200 d . C., the Xochimilcas called Tepoztlan by its patron god, began construction of the head of the lordship of Tepoztlan in the southern slope of the mountain of the same name and for its construction reduced, cut, filled and raised embankments on the slopes creating leveling on which they built houses, palaces, temples and other public buildings Mesoamerican cities. It is possible that in the distance, the same city will resemble a large pyramidal base, as their retaining walls were flattened with lime and sand. The residential areas of the city that have been excavated are of two types: the simplest consisted of several separate rooms with a courtyard in front, due to the same uneven terrain. Desplantaron rooms on platforms leveling of one or two courses, with adobe walls and roof made of perishable materials, shingles probably the accessibility of wood from the forest. Behind the rooms they were scavenging the household. On the other side are the most complex consisting of residential areas unseparated of small dimensions and desplantaban on a high platform, whose access was through one or two steps. The courtyard is also front. Architectural complexity or simplicity of these units are considered indicators of hierarchy of its occupants. For the location of the sanctuary of God Tepoztecatl, the Tepoztecan chose the top of a rock in the mountains of Tepoztlan is located on the southern slopes of the training. Although, in an original way it was relatively flat, with the aim of expanding the area leveling works were performed and subsequently built platforms and terraces. To access it, from the valley, it came to spring Axitla, where the civic-religious area altepetl of Tepoztlan, and continued along the edge of the canyon, climbing up to the sanctuary. The architectural complex of the sanctuary is composed of four architectural elements: the temple and its dependencies, the square and the residential area. The temple uproots on a base of sloping wall that ends below the west staircase leading to the temple square; West facade of this base was covered during construction of the square and the west staircase. The wall or retaining walls that leveled the area this square are gone, leaving only the exposed filler content currently tecorrales. In the square are the remains of an altar in front of the temple. Eastward, this foundation has attached the ladder is that uproots on a platform whose walls were lost long ago and its filling is contained by a tecorral. To reach the level of this platform built the east staircase. The Templar structure consists of a basement and the temple itself at the top. The pyramid base has a staircase leading to the west, so the chamber of the temple is to the east. The basement has one body formed by inclined walls decorated with a batter and batter board. The staircase is enclosed by rafters because of its destruction is unknown if it was topped by dice. The temple has a square floor with two rooms, outdoor or antechamber of major proportions, and the much smaller camera. The outside walls of the temple have a profile board slope and the starting point of the board is decorated with a border.

Access is portico and the facade of the temple has two pillars to support the roof structure and must have at least one decorative element embedded in the wall by way of spot. The chamber is delimited by two walls were decorated in relief of volumes using inclined and flat planes. Almost all over the inside walls of the antechamber and the camera is a bench decorated with reliefs.



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