MexicGo Archaeological site in Morelos, Mexico by Location: Yautepec
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Yautepec, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Yautepec - Mexico
According to the interpretation of his glyph, Yautepec means "on the hill of yauhtli" by yauhtli = wild yellow plant is now known as "pericón"; and tepetl = hill. Importance Cultural Yautepec and around the Valley of Morelos had a subordinate role in Mesoamerican history. Classic to Post Classic local populations were developed under the influence of Teotihuacan, Toltec and Nahuatl. It is with the latter that the Valley had a larger role in regional dynamics, as it was occupied by Tlahuica population (Nahuatl language), taking Cuauhnahuac as capital and expanding its domain to other areas, including Yautepec. It was not until the formation of the Triple Alliance in 1438, the manor Tlahuica is conquered and forced to pay tribute to the Mexica.Chronology: 400. C. to 1521 d. C. Location main chronological: Late Postclassic 1200-1521 d.c.
Must Know
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 pm

Contact: Centro INAH Morelos 01 (777) 3 14 40 48
Get There
Leave Cuernavaca can reach the town of Yautepec three routes: the first is for the toll road to Mexico City, where the deviation to Tepoztlan is taken and continues to Cuautla; the second is by the Federal Cuernavaca-Tepoztlan-Yautepec road; the third by the Boulevard Cuauhnahuac, taking Highway No. 138 Cuernavaca-Cuautla, through the "Canyon of Wolves".The archaeological site is located west of modern town of Yautepec. It is located in the Magisterium colony. By public transport, a bus Cuernavaca Red Star Line in the direction of Route 19. Yautepec or a take on the market is necessary to get off the street and walk on the street to the entrance of the site.



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