MexicGo Archaeological site in Morelos, Mexico by Location: Teopanzolco
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Teopanzolco, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Teopanzolco - Mexico
Teopanzolco is the name of Nahuatl origin and is composed of particles "Teopan" meaning temple; "Zolli" which means old and "co" is a locative, so Teopanzolco word means "in the old temple." Cultural significance Teopanzolco is an archaeological site of the Valley of Morelos, whose earliest evidence of occupation dating the Middle Post Classic. However, architectural and ceramic remains of this place indicate that the first settlement was destroyed and his remains buried under the floor of the plaza, new buildings, for the Postclassic were built. The first settlers were possibly Teopanzolco Tlahuicas, as mentioned by the written sources of the XVI century. Upon arrival of the Aztecs who occupied this region, new temples, palaces and homes were built. Between them stands a tall basement, on top of which there were temples of Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli. Unfortunately the growth of the modern city of Cuernavaca, delete a lot of evidence about the original extent of this settlement and the magnitude of its buildings during the height of its development. In the neighboring properties with the archaeological site they have been detected traces of walls and archaeological materials that expand us about the history of this place in pre-Hispanic times. Location chronological Home: Middle and Late Post Classic, 1200-1521 AD.
Must Know
Delegation INAH Morelos 01 (777) 3 14 40 48 and March 14 50 52. Archaeological Area: 01 (777) 3 14 12 84.

It is recommended to wear comfortable tennis clothes. The rise of the large base and tour the walker around the substructure is not recommended for older people.Children should climb in the company of adults.
Get There
Teopanzolco is located at Rio Balsas sn, Colonia Vista Hermosa, in the city of Cuernavaca. You can reach the area by public transport. Services available in the area: The archaeological site has toilets, rest area, guided tours and educational services.

Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:30 hours



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