MexicGo Archaeological site in Morelos, Mexico by Location: Olintepec
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Olintepec, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Olintepec - Mexico
Olintepec, Nahuatl translation of the glyph representing the site, means "moving hill." Cultural Significance Olintepec had continuous occupation from the Early Preclassic until the early Colonial Period. During the Late Preclassic (500-150 BC) was the rector and area of irrigated areas richest in the central state of Morelos. For this period, like elsewhere in the state, the area was related to the basin of Mexico, whose evidence is Ticoman pottery style. Later this settlement seems to have followed a local development to the Late Postclassic period when it was conquered first by the Tepanecas and then the Triple Alliance, becoming one more of their domains. Olintepec through calpixque (tax collector) tribute to Huaxtepec (Lordship Tlahuica), the Mexica and Texcoco. In the only structure discovered the site, Mound 1; 132 primary and 44 secondary burials were found, which ranged from the Middle Formative to the Late Post Classic.Chronology: 1500. C. to 1610 d. C. Location main chronological: Late Post Classic and Cologne, 1200-1610 d.
Must Know
Contact: Centro INAH Morelos 01 (777) 3 14 40 48.
Get There
The sector of the site that is open to the public is located on the banks of the road towards Villa de Ayala, 12 kilometers from Cuautla. The town of Olintepec also reached the Cuautla-Tlaltizapan state road, 9 kilometers ahead of Cuautla. Visitors can reach the site by public transport.

Wednesday to Sunday 10:00 to 17:00



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