MexicGo Archaeological site in Morelos, Mexico by Location: Chalcatzingo
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Chalcatzingo, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Chalcatzingo - Mexico
His name has three meanings of Nahuatl origin: "the most precious of Chalcas", "revered place of sacred water" or "precious jades".

Archaeological Zone - Chalcatzingo is located in the Valley of Morelos in the state of the same name, occupying an area of fertile at the foot of two hills land: the Chalcatzingo and small, where there was also a spring that provided water to the settlement. It is one of the most important settlements with Olmec influence, like TeopantecuanitlĂĄn. Chalcatzingo has a parallel development with La Venta, Tabasco, which is evident in the decorative style of the buildings and the petroglyphs found there. Among the most notable architectural structures stand Chalcatzingo Terrace 1 where residential complexes were housed; Terrace 25 which has sunken patio and structure 4 which is a quadrangular structure of almost 70 meters wide, near which found burials of individuals with jade ornaments and mirrors of magnetite, an offering, although most burials have been located under the floors of residential units. But the more visible element in Chalcatzingo petroglyphs are found on the rocky slopes of the hills and in the housing units. The discussion on the prevailing style Olmeca Chalcatzingo is twofold: On the one hand it is argued that is the product of a broadcast by the territorial expansion of the nuclear area Olmec Gulf Coast and on the other that it is a widespread style the time from the commercial networks established between the Middle Preclassic settlement in Mesoamerica at the time. Chronology: 1500-350 a. C. main chronological Location: Middle Preclassic, 1200-450 a. C.
Get There
From Yautepec Federal Highway 138 is taken towards the east to reach the city of Cuautla, Morelos. At this point it is directed towards Highway No. 160, bound for IzĂșcar de Matamoros, Puebla. Approximately 20 km., From Cuautla you get to cruise the Hueyapan-Axochiapan State Road, and should be continued by her south. After four kilometers, it is necessary to deviate again, eastward, to the former Hacienda Santa Clara Montefalco, arriving at the village of Chalcatzingo. The area is on land belonging to the latter, approximately one kilometer southeast of the modern occupation. To reach the site by public transport you need to take a van to stop Montefalco or the same village Jonacatepec direction of Chalcatzingo. To reach Jonacatepec, you can take a bus from Cuautla to Axochiapan / Tepalcingo, Atotonilco.

Monday and Tuesday from 10:00 to 17:00 hours Wednesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00 hours.

Centro INAH Morelos 01 (777) 3 14 40 48



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