MexicGo Archaeological site in Morelos, Mexico by Location: Coatetelco
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Coatetelco, Mexico
Archaeological Zone - Coatetelco - Mexico
Translation from Nahuatl word Coatetelco means "place of snakes in the mounds of stone" or "place where there are mounds erected in honor of snakes". However, as indicated Jorge Angulo, "it is likely that the name the population has been transformed by the use of the original name Quahtetelco, since the identifying glyph place, it was designed from the Tlahuica stage, has the representation of a tree (quahuitl) on a pyramidal structure (tetelli). The term co specifies that it is a geographical site, that is, as 'place' ... "" The word Quah tetel co was transformed by evil Castilian use Cuatetelco first and Coatetelco later. " Importance CulturalCoatetelco was built on the banks of the lake of the same name. It is a site linked to Xochicalco, although its most important period came to the Late Preclassic. After the hegemony of Xochicalco, Coatetelco takes importance and becomes the most important regional center. For the bond with Tula Posclásico evidenced by the presence of a Chac Mool. Chronology: 500. 1500 C. d. C. Location main chronological: Early Postclassic 900 to 122.
Must Know
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00 pm.

Contact: Centro INAH Morelos 01 (777) 3 14 40 48.
Get There
To get to the archaeological site, from Cuernavaca, Highway No. 95 (Mexico-Acapulco) is taken, until you reach the turnoff to Alpuyeca-Miacatlán. Coatetelco is 2 kilometers from Alpuyeca, accessed by or Alpuyeca Alpuyeca-Miacatlán-Ixtla Bridge road. Visitors can reach the site by public transport.



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