Current Time and Weather in Monarch Butterfly Reserve, Mexico.
Check the right time to travel, predict the weather and prevent your trip to Monarch Butterfly Reserve
When planning your trip, we recommend that you find out about the weather in the state you will be visiting, in order to know what clothes to pack. Many people assume that the climate is always warm in Mexico; but the reality is that it may vary greatly from one destination to the next.
The weather in Mexico is as varied as its geography: there are tropical forests, arid desserts, fertile valleys and snow covered mountain peaks. The coasts are generally warm throughout the year, although it is very rainy during some months. In Mexico City, the weather is quite pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold. In the central highlands, the weather is cool, as well as in the mountainous areas. In some northern states, such as Monterrey and Chihuahua, it is very hot in summer and extremely cold in winter. Before traveling to Mexican beaches, make sure it is not hurricane season.
Check the Time zones in Monarch Butterfly Reserve, Mexico.
Daylight saving in summer and standard time in winter.
Four time zones exist in Mexico.
- Most of the country is on GMT–6 in winter, GMT–5 in summer (first Sunday in April till last Sunday in October), the same as US Central Time.
- Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Nayarit and Chihuahua are on GMT–7 in winter, GMT–6 in summer (the same as US Mountain Time).
- Baja California is on GMT–8 in winter, GMT–7 in summer, the same as the US West Coast (Pacific Time).
- Sonora is on GMT–7 all year round, and does not observe daylight saving time.